How to buy a scarf or pareo?

Chose between number of scarves bellow and be unique!
We suggest several paintings printed on silk chiffon in two dimensions:
Scarf made by silk chiffon – 50×150 cm
Pareo made by silk chiffon– 100 x 150 cm

1. Pick a picture you like below

Choose your scarf or pareo from the gallery bellow:

Scarf made by silk chiffon – 50×150 cm
Pareo made by silk chiffon– 100 x 150 cm

2. Send your request!

You can choose one or more items from the galleries

3. Fill in the form below

Please use the contact form and we will get back our faster response.
After your purchase, you will receive your e-card as soon as possible!

    * each delivery is adding to the final price